User Guide

MQTT connection

In this example, we establish a connection to the local MQTT broker, initiate the process, wait for 2 seconds, and then stop the process. This brief pause allows for any pending operations to complete before the connection is closed.

import time
import iotlib

client = iotlib.client.MQTTClient('', 'localhost')

Device discovery

The iotlib.discoverer module provides discoverers that can be instantiated to find and identify connected IoT devices in your network. These discoverers use various protocols and techniques to detect a wide range of devices, providing a comprehensive overview of the IoT landscape within your network.

In this basic example, we utilize the get_devices() method from the UnifiedDiscoverer class. This method is used to retrieve all connected devices after a specified waiting period. It provides a simple and efficient way to discover and interact with all available devices in your network.

import time
import iotlib

def basic_discovery(mqtt_client: iotlib.client.MQTTClient):
    _discoverer = iotlib.discoverer.UnifiedDiscoverer(mqtt_client)
    devices = _discoverer.get_devices()
    print(f"Basic discovery - length : {len(devices)}")
    for device in devices:
        print(f" - device: {repr(device)}")

# Create MQTT client
client = iotlib.client.MQTTClient('', 'localhost')

This example will output :

Basic discovery - length : 14
 - device: <Device : SWITCH_CAVE, address : 0x00124b0025e23b21, model: Model.ZB_MINI, protocol: Protocol.Z2M>
 - device: <Device : SWITCH_CHAUFFERIE, address : 0x00124b00257b862a, model: Model.ZB_MINI, protocol: Protocol.Z2M>
 - device: <Device : tasmota_577591, address : tasmota-577591-5521, model: Model.SHELLY_PLUGS, protocol: Protocol.TASMOTA>
 - device: <Device : tasmota_D6590C, address : tasmota-D6590C-6412, model: Model.SHELLY_UNI, protocol: Protocol.TASMOTA>

However, keep in mind that the list of devices can change over time. To handle this, a DiscoveryProcessor is available, which allows you to customize the behavior when new devices are discovered. Each time a device is found, the process_discovery_update(self, devices) method is called with the updated list of devices. This provides a flexible way to handle changes in the device landscape.

import time
import iotlib

class BasicDiscoveryProc(iotlib.discoverer.DiscoveryProcessor):
    def process_discovery_update(self, devices):
        print(f"Discovered {len(devices) :} devices")
        for device in devices:
            print(f" * device: {repr(device)}")

def discover_it(mqtt_client: iotlib.client.MQTTClient):
    _discoverer = iotlib.discoverer.UnifiedDiscoverer(mqtt_client)

client = iotlib.client.MQTTClient('', 'localhost')

This example will output :

Discovered 10 devices
 * device: <Device : SWITCH_CAVE, address : 0x00124b0025e23b21, model: Model.ZB_MINI, protocol: Protocol.Z2M>
 * device: <Device : SWITCH_CHAUFFERIE, address : 0x00124b00257b862a, model: Model.ZB_MINI, protocol: Protocol.Z2M>
Discovered 1 devices
 * device: <Device : tasmota_577591, address : tasmota-577591-5521, model: Model.SHELLY_PLUGS, protocol: Protocol.TASMOTA>
Discovered 1 devices
 * device: <Device : tasmota_D6590C, address : tasmota-D6590C-6412, model: Model.SHELLY_UNI, protocol: Protocol.TASMOTA>

Please note that the process_discovery_update method is executed sequentially, first for devices supported by Zigbee2MQTT, and then for devices supported by Tasmota. This sequence occurs over a period of time, allowing for a systematic update of all connected devices.

Monitoring Device Availability

This section demonstrates how to utilize the MQTTBridge and AvailabilityProcessor to monitor and log the availability of a device. Instead of employing an active loop, we will configure the behavior based on the device state using processors.

  1. Create a Codec for Airsensor: This step involves setting up a codec for a Sonoff model device that is connected via the default Zigbee protocol.

  2. Instantiate a Bridge: Here, we create an instance of MQTTBridge. This serves as the communication facilitator between the virtual sensor and the MQTT broker.

  3. Set up an Availability Logger: This logger is responsible for tracking the device’s availability.

  4. Register the Availability Logger with the Bridge: This step involves adding the previously created logger to the bridge.

  5. Initiate the MQTT Client: This will establish a connection with the broker and start listening for messages.

import time
import logging

import iotlib


client = iotlib.client.MQTTClient('', 'localhost')
# 1) Create a codec for the device model and protocol
codec = iotlib.factory.CodecFactory().create_instance(model=iotlib.factory.Model.ZB_AIRSENSOR,
# 2) Create a bridge instance to connect the codec to the MQTT client
bridge = iotlib.bridge.MQTTBridge(client, codec)
# 3) Create an availability logger, which logs the availability of the device
logger = iotlib.processor.AvailabilityLogger(debug=True)
# 4) Add the availability logger to the bridge
# 5) Start the MQTT client, which will connect to the broker and start
# listening for messages
# 6) Start an infinite loop to handle messages
while True:
# Should display ;
#  - if the device is configured and available : [INFO] [TEMP_SALON] is available
#  - if the device is configured and unavailable : [INFO] [TEMP_SALON] is unavailable
#  Nothing is displayed if the device is not not configured in Zigbee2MQTT

The output will display one of the following messages:

  • If the device is configured and available, it will display: “[INFO] [TEMP_SALON] is available”.

  • If the device is configured but unavailable, it will display: “[INFO] [TEMP_SALON] is unavailable”.

  • If the device is not configured in Zigbee2MQTT, there will be no output.

Switch state Logging

This example demonstrates how to create a Sonoff ZBMINI switch and log its values via the Zigbee2MQTT gateway. The steps include creating a virtual switch, a codec instance, a bridge instance, and a logger instance, setting the virtual switch to ON, and starting the main loop.

  1. Create a Virtual Switch: This switch is configured with a 2-second countdown, meaning it will automatically turn off 2 seconds after being turned on.

  2. Create a Codec Instance: The CodecFactory is used to create a codec instance associated with the virtual switch. This codec is configured for the device named SWITCH_CAVE, the ZB_MINI model and the Z2M protocol.

  3. Create a Bridge Instance: The MQTTBridge is used to facilitate communication between the virtual switch and the MQTT broker.

  4. Create a Logger Instance: A logger is created to log updates from the virtual switch. This is useful for debugging and record-keeping.

  5. Set the Virtual Switch to ON: The virtual switch is manually triggered to start in the ON state.

  6. Start the Main Loop: The main loop is started, which keeps the program running indefinitely.

import time
import logging
import iotlib

client = iotlib.client.MQTTClient('', 'localhost')
# 1) Create a virtual switch 
v_switch = iotlib.virtualdev.Switch(friendly_name='switch',
                                    quiet_mode=True,    # debouncing mode
# 2) Create a codec instance 
factory = iotlib.factory.CodecFactory()
codec = factory.create_instance(model=iotlib.factory.Model.ZB_MINI,
# 3) Create a bridge instance 
iotlib.bridge.MQTTBridge(client, codec)
# 4) Create a logger instance 
logger = iotlib.processor.VirtualDeviceLogger(debug=True) 
# 5) Set the virtual switch to ON
# 6) Start the main loop
while True:

Once the Zigbee switch is set to ON, it will automatically turn OFF after 2 seconds. The log output will show the power state changes of the virtual switch:

- Logging virtual device (friendly_name : "switch" - property : "power" - value : "True")
- Logging virtual device (friendly_name : "switch" - property : "power" - value : "False")

Switch Management

This example extends the previous one by controlling a Switch with two sensors: a button and a motion sensor.

The steps are as follows:

  • Steps 1 to 3 are the same as in the previous example.

  • Step 4: Set up a motion sensor with MotionTrigger processing support. This action will turn the light ON when motion is detected.

    • 4.1: Instantiate a virtual motion sensor, create a codec instance, and establish a bridge instance for the virtual motion sensor.

    • 4.2: Generate a processor instance for the virtual motion sensor that can detect motion.

    • 4.3: Add the switch to the list of observers for the virtual motion sensor.

  • Step 5: Establish a button sensor with ButtonTrigger processing support. This action will turn the light ON when the button is pressed.

    • 5.1: Instantiate a virtual button sensor, create a codec instance, and establish a bridge instance for the virtual button sensor.

    • 5.2: Generate a processor instance for the virtual button sensor that can detect a key press.

    • 5.3: Add the switch to the list of observers for the virtual button sensor.

import time
import iotlib

client = iotlib.client.MQTTClient('switch_mgr', 'localhost')
# 1) Create a virtual switch 
v_switch = iotlib.virtualdev.Switch(quiet_mode=True,    # debouncing mode
# 2) Create a codec instance 
factory = iotlib.factory.CodecFactory()
switch_codec = factory.create_instance(model=iotlib.factory.Model.ZB_MINI,
# 3) Create a bridge instance 
iotlib.bridge.MQTTBridge(client, switch_codec)
# 4.1) Instantiate a virtual motion sensor
v_motion = iotlib.virtualdev.Motion()
motion_codec = factory.create_instance(iotlib.factory.Model.ZB_MOTION,
iotlib.bridge.MQTTBridge(client, motion_codec)
# 4.2) Generate a processor instance
# 4.3) Add the switch 

# 5.1) Instantiate a virtual button sensor
v_button = iotlib.virtualdev.Button()
button_codec = factory.create_instance(iotlib.factory.Model.ZB_BUTTON,
iotlib.bridge.MQTTBridge(client, button_codec)
# 5.2) Generate a processor instance 
# 5.3) Add the switch

# 6) Start the main loop
while True: